eNAP Questions - Presidents response 2016-05-25

Post date: Jan 8, 2018 6:19:10 AM

Questions from eNAP to NAP (see attachment for responses):

Question 1: "May 'an NAP member who resides in an unchartered state, province, or country

and is not a member of any association' (emphasis added) join eNAP as their primary unit?"

Question 2: "May state or province association members-at-large designate eNAP as their

primary unit while maintaining primary membership in their state or province association?"

Question 3: "What is the minimum number of primary members that a unit must have to be

entitled to delegate representation at the NAP Convention?"

Question 4: "If eNAP attains the required number of primary members, will eNAP be entitled to

delegate representation on the same basis as other units?"