eNAP Meeting August 12, 2024

Zoom Link

The unit meets electronically by Zoom.  See our Zoom meetings page for details.


     Agenda for the August 12, 2024 Regular Meeting of eNAP

0. Verify Quorum of 7 (lesser of 7 and 20%)

1. Welcome of Guests

2. Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

3. Consideration of Applicants for Provisional Membership

4. Recess for Educational Program
        RPs and PRPs seeking CEUs must have their full name displayed and have their cameras on during the lesson.
"Meetings and Sessions"
  Tom Havelka,  PRP

5. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Committees

President's Report 

Membership Report

6. Unfinished Business and General Orders.

7. New Business - see previous notices for any motions in the meeting notice

8.  Announcements

Note: The agenda is set by special rule of order 13.

Reports and Motions

REPORTS for the August 12, 2024, Regular Meeting -- Check back for updates

Note:  Reports are posted as they become available by the respective officer or committee. Please check back if a report is missing. All reports should be available prior to the start of the meeting.

President's Report

-- Richard Halverson 

Vice President's Report

-- Paul McClintock, PRP, CP-T

Secretary's Report

-- Roberta Berry, RP

Education Committee Report

-- Paul McClintock, PRP, CP-T

Membership Committee Report - Two Recommendations 

--Roberta Berry, RP

 Archived reports for previous meetings are filed at the members-only site at:


MOTIONS -- Check back for updates.

Draft Minutes to Approve


Draft Meeting Minutes

2024-07-08 Regular Meeting

The 2024-06-10 Regular Meeting of the eNAP Unit of the National Association of Parliamentarians (eNAP) was held online via Zoom and called to order by President Richard Halverson at 8:00 PM CT (U.S. Central Time), with Secretary Roberta Berry present. A quorum was present.


Those attending were: Alice Levin, Andrea Nottingham, Ann Rempel, Barbara Proctor, Belinda Brouette, Bernie Callender, Carmella Davis Watkins, Chris Wren, Crystal Thomas, Daniel Ross, Delores Schoen, Diana Bacon, Don Freese, Dorothy Gordon, Gail Mitchell, Gloria de Meireles, Jeanna Kindle, Jenny Liu, Jennifer Nickel, Joan Harmon, Jocelyn V. Williams, Julia Price, Karla Gilchrist-Saunders, Marcia Hall, Mary Remson, Myra Celestin, Paul McClintock, Richard Brown, Richard Halverson, Roberta Berry, Sharon Williams Jackson, Thomas Holmes, Vanessa Black, Vikkie L. Wilkinson, Vivian Tansil Guests: Georgette Sherman, Jan, John Ginther, Kevin Connelly, Lucinda Hastings, and Pauline George.


The agenda for the June 10, 2024, meeting was adopted without objection.


The regular meeting minutes from May 13, 2024, were approved and posted to the members-only site.


Hattie Mary Young was approved without objection as an eNAP regular member.


Tracy Sheard Wilson was approved without objection as an eNAP Provisional member.


Diana Bacon, PRP was appointed to the Education Committee by the President. 


Education Program

The unit recessed for the education program at 8:05 PM CT. Thomas Holmes presented the RP Performance Expectations 9.1 - 9.8 “Amending Bylaws" lesson - CEU-approved -. Following that presentation, a parliamentary question-answer opportunity was given to guests and members.

The meeting resumed at 9:46 PM CT.


Vice President’s Report

No report was given.


Secretary’s Report

No report was given.


Unfinished Business Special Committee – eNAP Bylaws

The Special Committee for eNAP Bylaws report was presented by Bernie Callender, Chairperson. The report contained four proposed amendments and recommendations referred to the unit members for consideration and to be voted on.


Amendment 1: Change How To Obtain Membership

Amendment 2: Change How To End Membership

Amendment 3: Clarify Officer Terms  

Amendment 4: Change Education Committee Duties


Amendment 1: Change How To Obtain Membership

The motion as amended was adopted to amend bylaw Article III – Members, Section 1, by substituting "Obtaining Membership. Any member of NAP may request membership by submitting an online application to the membership committee, which shall verify the applicant's NAP membership status. Regular membership (primary or affiliate as defined by NAP) shall be granted automatically upon verification of NAP membership. Provisional membership shall be granted by majority vote upon request at a unit meeting to any non-member of NAP and upon their submission of an online application."


Amendment 2: Change How To End Membership

The motion was adopted to amend bylaw Article III – Members, Section 2. Ending Membership by substituting "Any member may resign upon request submitted to any officer of the Unit or directly at a meeting. In the former case, the officer shall announce the resignation to the Unit at a meeting or by e-mail. Resignation from membership requests shall be granted automatically without vote. The membership committee may recommend at any Unit meeting the removal of named members for cause, including for non-attendance for at least the prior 12 regular meetings. Removal for nonattendance will require a majority vote and these removed members may rejoin at any time. For any other cause, the disciplinary procedures in the parliamentary authority shall be followed."


Amendment 3: Clarify Officer Terms 

Part 1: Amend Article V (Officers), Section 2 (Term of Office), by substituting for the current wording, the following:
Section 2. Term of Office. Officers shall assume their duties at the close of the annual meeting at which they are elected, and shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected. No member shall hold more than one office at a time and no officer may serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Part 2: Amend Article V, Officers, Section 4. Office-Holding Limitations, by striking out this entire section, and then renumber the remaining sections in Article V, Officers.
Amendment 3 was adopted.


Amendment 4: Change Education Committee Duties

The motion was adopted to amend bylaw VIII (Committees), Section 1 (Standing Committees), A (The education committee shall be chaired by the Vice President and shall develop and coordinate educational programs for the Unit) by adding: "for the March through February meetings following their appointment. The Vice President (VP) or the VP's designee will serve as the Continuing Education Units (CEU) Coordinator, who will apply for CEU credit approval and report CEU attendance for each lesson."


The motion to substitute for the pending motion of the special committee on eNAP bylaws consider only amendments submitted by June 17 at 11:00 pm EST was adopted.


Membership Committee

No report was given.



The following announcements were made:


The Membership Committee will meet on June 11, 2024, to discuss the recommendations for the upcoming membership drive and retention strategy. 


Next month’s Educational Program is Robert’s Rules’ Safeguards.


The next meeting will be held on Monday, July 8, 2024, at 8:00 PM CT.

The meeting adjourned at 10:49 PM CT.

Roberta Berry, RP 

eNAP Secretary

eNAP Unit of the National Association of Parliamentarians

Secretary@enapunit.org  I 202-744-1540






Educational Program

eNAP Educational Program for 2024-08-12  - CEU-approved -

Part 1 -- Education Committee members will present a program on the topics as shown below, based primarily on the Registered Parliamentarian Performance Expectations  (RP-PE) as indicated below.  See these on pp 7-28 in NAP's Criteria For Credentialing (CFC):

> https://www.parliamentarians.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/2024-02-09-Criteria-for-Credentialing_Final.pdf

The resources to be used in conjunction to prepare to meet these RP standards include (CFC p. 6): 

Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (12th edition)

Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised in Brief (3rd edition)

Code of Professional Responsibility for Parliamentarians 

Professional Practices in Parliamentary Procedure (2021, NAP), cited as PPPP (login to bookstore first).

Pathways to Proficiency - Script Writing Made Easy (Updated for RONR, 12th ed.)

The upcoming lesson outline:

August 12th, Tom Havelka, PRP - "Meetings and Sessions" (Pending CEUs)  

The 2024 education plan will continue programs based on the RP-PE (see above).  The RP-PE is essential for those preparing for the RP exam, and it is solid parliamentary education for all levels of membership.

Thus, the 2024 through Feb. 2025 educational program schedule and presenters:

Be aware that this plan may be adjusted or replaced in full by the education committee at any time; the enapunit.org website (Meeting Materials > Educational Program) should have any updates to the plan as they occur.

Part 2 -- eNAP Special Rule of Order 1(A) says: "A part of each educational program shall be to allow members to ask opinions of other members on parliamentary questions that they have."

If possible, please submit Part-2 questions ahead of time to vice-president@enapunit.org.

The 2024 eNAP Education Committee consists of 

Meeting Notice

[Note: this meeting notice may be further edited up till the time it is emailed about a week before the meeting.]

eNAP meets Monday, July 8th,  2024, at 8pm CT via Zoom

Dear eNAP Unit Member, 

Join us for a regular meeting of the eNAP Unit of the National Association of Parliamentarians; the meeting will be held Monday, June 10th, 2024, via Zoom, at 8:00 PM Central Time. Please note that the meeting will be recorded.

Join Zoom Meeting on a PC:


Please note that if you are using a telephone for audio only, you can join on your computer first and click join with telephone. Otherwise, click join with computer audio.

The meeting room will open ten minutes prior to the meeting. If you are having issues joining the meeting, please email us at contact@enapunit.org.

Attendees should use screen names consisting of their real first and last names, and are encouraged to add a suffix to indicate their state, province, or country (example: Katherine Johnson WV). If you are NOT a current member, please preface your name with the prefix of g (example: g Katherine Johnson). Officers should also use the appropriate prefixes designated for them.

The meeting begins at 8:00 PM Central Time, or see the time in your local time zone.


The draft agenda and minutes, reports, and educational program are posted at enapunit.org under "Meeting Materials" as they become available by the respective officer or committee. Please check back if a report is missing or if it is a prior meeting report. All reports should be available prior to the meeting call to order. 


On July 8th, Barbara Proctor will present the lesson on "Robert's Rules' Safeguards" - CEU-approved .-. Following that presentation, a parliamentary question-answer opportunity is given to guests and members.


If you have never attended an eNAP meeting, please plan to arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the call to make sure you understand how the meeting will be conducted and to talk with other attendees. Reviewing our introduction page to familiarize yourself with the eNAP chat room and terminology is strongly recommended.

If you are not yet an eNAP member and would like to join, you may complete and submit the application form. Applications by NAP members are approved automatically upon verification of their NAP membership. Application by those who are not NAP members may be approved after they have attended at least one unit meeting.


If you are an eNAP member, or expect to be voted in as a member at this meeting, please verify or request access to our members-only Google Groups page. Voting could be held via this section at any time, which is akin to a ballot vote. Should you have difficulty logging in or requesting membership, please contact me. To ensure sufficient time, please do this 2 or more days prior to the meeting.

As always, we welcome you to invite guests to our meeting to observe and/or join our electronic unit. I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming e-meeting, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Roberta Berry 

eNAP Secretary



(202) 744-1540

The Zoom meeting link is not posted on our publicly viewable web site.  This measure reduces Zoom bombing and other risks

The link has been emailed to all members and vetted guests. If you are a guest and would like to attend, or if you need it sent again, please email vice-president@enapunit.org with your name and reason for attending.  If attending for CEU credits for renewing your RP or PRP credential, please also add your full name, credential, and NAP membership number.

Members may also find the zoom link in the eNAP members-only web site at:
